Profile Area 2

Eine Ärztin untersucht den Blutdruck einer Patientin.

Healthcare Research with a Focus on e-health

Prominent future determinants of health care in Brandenburg are the ongoing demographic and structural changes and the associated challenges in the accessibility of medical care, especially in the more rural areas of the federal state.

Older people in particular often have a greater need for care due to chronic illnesses, multimorbidity and the need for long-term care, but at the same time they are less mobile. Constant, interdisciplinary care services that are adapted to regional characteristics and are close to people’s homes are therefore of central importance in order to maintain fair, high-quality healthcare that is accessible to all.

The goal of the profile area is to improve care in the Brandenburg region in line with regional conditions and the needs of the population as a whole. A particular focus is on the situation of older citizens in rural areas.

To achieve this goal, a detailed analysis of the current care situation through a combination of qualitative and quantitative research involving all relevant actors is essential. Through the participation of citizens and providers, the analysis of existing structures and the networking with regional actors in care and research, regionally tailored, innovative care concepts and best practice models are to be developed.

Digital solutions can be an important building block for improving the regional and supraregional care situation in the state of Brandenburg. Other important components are the training and recruitment of specialists and the development and testing of new, interprofessional forms of care.


Susanne Schulze
Susanne Schulze
Coordinator (currently on parental leave)



Current Projects

  • Cardiological Healthcare in Brandenburg (KaViB): Healthcare situation and subjective design of healthcare for cardiovascular diseases in older people
  • Science landscape innovation, taking particular account of patient participation and the Berlin-Brandenburg region
  • Structural linkage of hospital and outpatient medicine: stocktaking in Brandenburg hospitals and development of a new, integrated form of healthcare
  • Coronavirus care: Psychosocial stresses for carers in Brandenburg’s old people’s and care homes during the coronavirus crisis

Congress for Healthcare Research Brandenburg

Together with the  Centre for Healthcare Research (ZVF-BB) Brandenburg Medical School Theodor Fontane, Profile Area II of the FGW organised the  Second Congress for Healthcare Research Brandenburg on 9 October 2020.
Among other things, the digital event discussed the relevance of interlinking all relevant players in Brandenburg – from the public and carers, to politicians and scientists – to advance healthcare and healthcare research in the federal state.

Abstract Volume of the 2nd Congress for Healthcare Research 

PDF-Download (only in German)


Brief report on the 2nd Congress for Healthcare Research 

PDF-Download (only in German)

Joint faculty
The University of Potsdam, the Brandenburg Medical School Theodor Fontane and the Brandenburg Technical University Cottbus-Senftenberg