We are pleased that you are considering a post-doctoral qualification at the FGW. You can find all the details about the registration process here.
Requirements for Registration
You can register your post-doctoral qualification at the FGW under the following conditions:
- University degree and PhD (Dr.)
- If necessary, specialist medical training (in the case of a subject in patient care)
- University didactic training
- Completed habilitation thesis (as a habilitation dissertation or in cumulative form), in advance in electronic form as a PDF file
– Note: In the case of a cumulative habilitation, the at least 4 publications that are combined must come from the upper half of the subject ranking.
- 8 original papers, 4 of which are the first or last author (except for papers from a cumulative doctorate, equivalent achievements or a monograph)
- Proof of teaching activity (4 semesters with 2 SWS each)
- Didactic report on a trial course (to be compiled by the commission)
- Appointment of a suitable member of the FGW as subject representative
Forms for registering the post-doctoral qualification
We have compiled all the necessary documents for registration in a checklist for you (only provided in German at this point).
Please also note our instructions and use our prepared templates.
Submission of the documents
You can submit the original documents in person or by post, to Ms. Walter at the MHB, to Ms. Dehne at the UP and to Ms. Lutter at the BTU. We can also make certified copies for you on site.
In any case, please send us a digital version of your documents (PDF files) in advance.