Symposium “Old age without fragility – Interplay of genes, nutrition and exercise“

Thursday, 27.04.2023

27/04/2023 @ 13:45 – 17:00 After three years, the junior research group of the FGW and the German Institute of Human Nutrition (DIfE) “Molecular and Clinical Life Science of Metabolic Diseases” (SMD) will present their results at a symposium. On 27.04.2023, the seven members of the group led by Dr. Heike Vogel will present the results of their projects and […]

Date(s) - 27/04/2023
13:45 - 17:00

After three years, the junior research group of the FGW and the German Institute of Human Nutrition (DIfE) “Molecular and Clinical Life Science of Metabolic Diseases” (SMD) will present their results at a symposium. On 27.04.2023, the seven members of the group led by Dr. Heike Vogel will present the results of their projects and discuss them together with the invited experts, Prof. Dr. Stricker (FU Berlin) and Prof. Dr. Müller (FGW) (program). We would be pleased to welcome you on site and would be grateful if you could send us an email for registration until 14.04.2023 to