Upcoming committee elections end the founding phase of the FGW

Am 11.01.2024 finden die ersten Gremienwahlen der Fakultät für Gesundheitswissenschaften Brandenburg (FGW) statt.
The first committee elections of the Faculty of Health Sciences Brandenburg (FGW) will take place on Thursday, 11 January 2024. The new Faculty Council will be elected, consisting of six university lecturers, two academic staff, two students and one member from technology and administration. The FGW also elects a decentralised representative for gender equality issues. The FGW will leave the foundation phase with the subsequent election of the Dean by the new Faculty Council.
Until now, the Faculty Council of the FGW was made up of members from other faculties of the three sponsoring universities, as the faculty had no members of its own at the time of its foundation. After the election, the Faculty Council will consist exclusively of members of the FGW, who will therefore be able to make decisions for the faculty on their own responsibility.
After leaving the foundation phase, the FGW will enter the development phase. The focus of the faculty’s work will continue to be on networking health science research, but two new courses are also planned. The Master’s degree programme “Health Services Research” has already started at the MHB in the winter semester 2022/23. The second degree programme “Public Health, Exercise and Nutrition” is due to open at the UP in the summer semester of 2024.
The elections will take place together with the BTU committee elections and will be organised by the responsible persons at the BTU. All members and affiliates of the faculty are eligible to vote, i.e. all persons whose positions are financed by FGW funds or who are, for example, guest researchers at the FGW. In addition, all secondary members who have transferred their voting rights to the FGW can vote.
The electoral registers will be available at the three host universities from 20.11. – 24.11.2023. The lists of candidates for the status groups must be submitted by 4 December 2023. The election will be held as a postal vote. On request, members entitled to vote can obtain the election schedule and the election notice as well as further information from the following locations:
- BTU: http://www.b-tu.de/intern/gremien/zentraler-wahlausschuss/
- MHB: https://www.mhb-fontane.de/de/details-zu/mark-helle
- UP: https://www.fgw-brandenburg.de/person/dr-med-habil-dr-nathalie-dehne/
Photo: Edmond Dantès via Pexels