Colloquium „Brandenburg Molecular Biology Talk“

Wednesday, 19.06.2024

19/06/2024 at 13:00 h

Brandenburg Molecular Biology Talk: The hippo pathway in aging and cancer. Dr. von Eyss (Leibniz Institute on Aging, Jena). The colloquium series “Brandenburg Molecular Biology Talk” is jointly organized by the Faculty of Health Sciences Brandenburg, the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg and the Health and Medical University Potsdam.

Date(s) - 19/06/2024

The colloquium series “Brandenburg Molecular Biology Talk” is jointly organized by the Faculty of Health Sciences Brandenburg, the Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg and the Health and Medical University Potsdam.


Dr. Björn von Eyss is an independent group leader at the Leibniz Institute on Aging – Fritz Lipmann Institute in Jena.


Brandenburg Molecular Biology Talk: The hippo pathway in aging and cancer. Dr. Björn von Eyss (Leibniz Instiute on Aging, Jena). 19.06.2024 um 13 Uhr.

Brandenburg Molecular Biology Talk: The hippo pathway in aging and cancer. Dr. Björn von Eyss (Leibniz Instiute on Aging, Jena). 19.06.2024 at 1pm.


Dial-in link:

Meeting number 1631 58 1580, audio connection Germany Toll +49-6196-7819736