Facts and figures

Foto von einem Laptop mit wissenschaftlichen Grafiken auf dem Bildschirm

History of the Brandenburg Health Campus and Faculty for Health Sciences

Pilot Phase (2015-2018)

The resolution of the state parliament of 12 June 2015 “Strengthening health research – ensuring high-quality medical care” was the starting signal for the “Brandenburg Health Campus”. The aim was to build up joint, interdisciplinary research through networking between universities, non-university research institutions and clinics. For this purpose, workshops were held in the pilot phase, which were intended to initiate cooperation between health scientists in the state and ultimately led to the funding of several joint projects. At the same time, work was being done on setting up a joint, cross-university structural unit.

State parliament resolution on the concept for the construction of the health campus

June 2015

Workshops for the formation of research networks

May 2016

State parliament resolution to set up the health campus with at least 12 new professorships

November 2016

Selection of the three research groups that were funded as part of the development of the health campus

December 2016

Start of funding for research associations

March 2017

Appointment of the Founding Representative Prof. Dr. J.W. Dudenhausen

December 2017

State parliament resolution on the research and personnel concept of the joint faculty for health sciences

25th April 2018

Signing of the cooperation agreement to set up the joint faculty for health sciences

25th June 2018

Signature of the financing agreement between the state and the UP and the BTU

23rd August 2018

Signature of the financing agreement between the state and the MHB

15th February 2019

End of funding for the research associations as part of the health campus

September 2019

Start-up Phase (2019-2023)

In June 2018, the three supporting universities – the Brandenburg Technical University Cottbus-Senftenberg, the Brandenburg Medical School Theodor Fontane and the University of Potsdam – signed a cooperation agreement on the establishment of the Faculty of Health Sciences. The purpose of this joint facility under the umbrella of the “Brandenburg Health Campus” network is to intensify and consolidate the cooperation between university and non-university research institutions in the field of health sciences in Brandenburg. This is intended to contribute to improving medical care for the state of Brandenburg, to strengthen health research in the state and to promote practical training and further education in health and care. Important goals of the faculty are the expansion of research networks with a focus on “medicine and health in aging”, the development of new medical and nursing care, especially taking into account modern eHealth offers, and the establishment of innovative courses on current health science topics. Prof. Dr. J.W. Dudenhausen assumes the office of founding Dean.

Establishment of the first Dean’s Office at the University of Potsdam in Golm by the founding Dean Prof. Dr. J.W. Dudenhausen

01st July 2018

First meeting of the Founding Deanery with the associate Deans Prof. Dr. Frank Mayer, Prof. Dr. Ralf Stohwasser and Prof. Dr. René Mantke

17th July 2018

Constituent meeting of the Founding Faculty Council chaired by Prof. Dr. Frank Hufert

07th September 2018

Job advertisements for the first FGW professsorships

April 2019

Founding faculty regulations come into effect.

02nd September 2019

The first FGW professorship is filled by Prof. Völler.

01st April 2020

The FGW publishes its research concept.

October 2020

Doctoral regulations come into effect

November 2020

Prof. Dr. Cornelius Frömmel assumes the office of Founding Dean

March 2021

The first appointed professor, Jun.-Prof. Dr. Robert Ranisch, starts his work at the University of Potsdam.

01st April 2021

The first appointed professor at the MHB, Prof. Dr. Dawid Pieper, starts his work.

01st September 2021

The third FGW professor, Prof. Dr. Notger Müller, starts his work at the University of Potsdam.

01st October 2021

First successful completion of a doctorate at the FGW

December 2021

Habilitation regulations come into effect.
The Vice Deans Prof. Dr Frank Mayer, Prof. Dr Ralf Stohwasser and Prof. Dr René Mantke take over the management of the faculty equally.

March 2022

The first FGW professor at the BTU, Prof. Dr. Julia von Maltzahn, starts her work.

01st April 2022

Two professorships at BTU and another at MHB take up their posts.
Prof Julia von Maltzahn and Prof Notger Müller take over the management of the faculty.

01st October 2022

Prof Dawid Pieper joins the faculty management team as Vice Dean at the MHB.

01st March 2023

Prof Olaf Ahlers takes up his post at the MHB

01st April 2023

First successful completion of a habilitation at the FGW

14th July 2023

Election of the first FGW Faculty Council

11th January 2024

Building Phase (as of 2024)

When the ninth professorship took up office, it became possible to elect the first FGW Faculty Council. The members of the FGW were called upon to elect the Faculty Council for the first time on 11.01.2024, which in turn elects the Dean and the Vice-Deans. The founding phase was officially concluded with the election of the Dean at the 3rd meeting of the FGW Faculty Council on 08.04.204.

Due to the state parliament’s decision in December 2021 to halve the funds of the state sponsoring universities for the faculty, only 12 of the originally planned 16 professorships will be realized in full expansion. All procedures are ongoing and are mostly close to completion.

At the University of Potsdam, three of the five planned professorships have already been filled. The process to fill the professorship for bioanalytics, a joint appointment with the Fraunhofer IZI-BB, is already underway. Appointment negotiations are currently taking place with the candidates for the Professorship of Epidemiology.

BTU and MHB have already appointed all three planned professorships.

The Faculty of Health Sciences focuses in particular on networking health science research in Brandenburg, but also nationally and internationally. The professors already appointed at the respective sponsoring universities are working on the preparation and implementation of joint applications in order to bundle and strengthen local research expertise.

In addition, there are two degree courses at the faculty. The Master’s degree course in Health Services Research started at the MHB in the winter semester 2022/23. The second course, “Public Health, Exercise and Nutrition”, has started at the University of Potsdam in the winter semester 2024/2025. We look forward to working with the next generation of scientists.

Joint faculty
The University of Potsdam, the Brandenburg Medical School Theodor Fontane and the Brandenburg Technical University Cottbus-Senftenberg