New deanery team elected: FGW starts the development phase

On Monday, 08.04.2024, the first dean elections of the Faculty of Health Sciences Brandenburg (FGW) took place. The new FGW Dean, Dean of Research and Dean of Studies were elected.
On Monday, 08.04.2024, the first dean elections of the Faculty of Health Sciences Brandenburg (FGW) took place. The new FGW Dean, Dean of Research and Dean of Studies were elected.
As the election was conducted by secret ballot, the results were only determined after the ballot papers received by post had been counted and announced at the Faculty Council meeting on 06.05.2024.
The new composition of the Dean’s Office can be viewed on the website. Prof. Dr. Notger Müller was elected as Dean (with 9 out of 10 votes), Prof. Dr. Julia von Maltzahn as Dean of Research (with 8 out of 10 votes) and Prof. Dr. Olaf Ahlers as Dean of Studies (with 9 out of 10 votes).
The term of office of the deans is four years, whereas the dean of studies is only elected for two years due to the basic regulations of the institutions. The election has also changed the composition of the Faculty Council, as the elected deans may not take on any additional function in this body. With the election of the deans, the FGW Brandenburg has left the foundation phase and entered the development phase.
Photo: Edmond Dantès via Pexels