New FGW-professor researches changes in cells during aging

Upon 01.04.22, biologist Julia von Maltzahn has been appointed professor of stem cell biology of aging at the Brandenburg Faculty of Health Sciences (FGW).
Professor Julia von Maltzahn will conduct research on stem cell biology of aging at the BTU Senftenberg campus starting in April
Upon 01.04.22, biologist Julia von Maltzahn has been appointed professor of stem cell biology of aging at the Brandenburg Faculty of Health Sciences (FGW). One focus of her work is to study the changes in muscle stem cells during aging to investigate why skeletal muscles regenerate more poorly with increasing age.
Commenting on her move from Jena to BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, Prof. Julia von Maltzahn says, “I am looking forward to the new challenge. The research of my group will continue to focus on the study of muscle stem cells during aging and in aging-associated diseases. The goal of our research is to improve skeletal muscle regeneration in aging and in various diseases.”
Age-related cellular changes in the human body are being researched by scientists* worldwide. Some mechanisms of aging cells have already been identified. However, reactions and changes in aging cells raise many questions. Investigating these with new methods of stem cell research and epigenetics is the subject of research at the BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg. The focus of the scientific investigations of Prof. Julia von Maltzahn and her team is on the regeneration of skeletal muscle in old age and in various diseases.
Source of the photo: FLI, Nadine Grimm