Aaron Warnecke, B.A.
Research Assistant

University of Potsdam,
Campus Golm,
Am Mühlenberg 9,
Building 62 (H-Lab), rm. 214,
14476 Potsdam

University Education

  • 2018 – today: Studies in Philosophy, University Potsdam
  • 2015-2018: Studies in Philosophy and Religion Studies, University Erfurt

Research Experience

  • 2021 – today: Research Assistant at the Junior Professorship for Medical Ethics with a Focus on Digitization, Faculty of Health Sciences Brandenburg

Research focus and interests

  • Applied Ethics
  • Theory of democracy
  • Postmodern metaphysics

Source of the photo: private

Joint faculty
The University of Potsdam, the Brandenburg Medical School Theodor Fontane and the Brandenburg Technical University Cottbus-Senftenberg