Since 08/21 Research assistant for science and project management at the Center for Health Services Research Brandenburg (ZVF-BB) of the Brandenburg Medical School Theodor Fontane at the Immanuel Klinik Rüdersdorf
01/19-03/21 Vocational school teacher for educators, Fürstenwalde
Since 10/04 Self-employed project manager and educational consultant, including
Management and project coordination Kulturhaus Alte Schule e.V. Project management employment network PARADIES WUHLHEIDE
Coordination of Scientific Yearbook Sustainable Economy / HWR Berlin
Management and project coordination Berlin 21
Coordination of the BESSER LEBEN IN LICHTENBERG network
Since 1988 Part-time freelance training consultant
01/96-03/03 Managing Director of KINDERRING BERLIN e.V.
01/94-12/95 Head of counseling for independent youth welfare organizations / Democratic Youth Foundation
06/91-12/93 Head of counseling for independent youth welfare organizations /arbeit bildung wohnen e.V.
09/88-05/91 Research assistant at the APW, comparative studies on school experiments and trials in Eastern and Western Europe, all-day education, alternative upbringing and education concepts
09/86-08/88 Lecturer in educational science at the teacher training institute in Halle
09/84-08/86 Degree in education in Erfurt, diploma thesis on the topic: “Development and testing of a research method for recording learning attitudes in younger schoolchildren”, graduated with distinction
Specialist knowledge and practical experience in social, youth and cultural work, sustainability debate, nature and environmental protection
Skills in management, event and project management, fundraising and concept development
Expertise in the organization, implementation, coordination and moderation of campaigns, specialist conferences, seminars and workshops, in particular project development, fundraising, self-awareness and practical reflection, conflict management, communication training, time management
Many years of experience working on boards of directors, advisory boards, foundations, associations, committees and political bodies
Various contributions on television, radio, in social networks and in the press