Simon Hübenthal
Research Associate

University Education

  • Master’s degree in “Management of health and social institutions”

Professional Experience

  • Paramedic – Emergency paramedic – Studies (see above) – Currently still studying at the UHH Master “Higher Education” Current activity “TC-HEMS” in air rescue


Original work

  • Impact of haemorrhagic shock intensity on the dynamic of alarmins release in porcine poly‑trauma animal model
    K. Horst, F. Hildebrand, R. Pfeifer · S. Hübenthal, K. Almahmoud, M. Sassen; T. Steinfeldt, H. Wulf,
    S. Ruchholtz, H. C. Pape, D. Eschbac
    European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery · February 2015
    DOI: 10.1007/s00068-015-0504-1
  • Research Article Local Inflammation in Fracture Hematoma: Results from a Combined Trauma Model in Pigs
    K. Horst, D. Eschbach, R. Pfeifer, S. Hübenthal, M. Sassen, T. Steinfeldt, H. Wulf, S. Ruchholtz, H. C. Pape, and F. Hildebrand
    Hindawi Publishing Corporation
    Mediators of Inflammation
    Volume 2015, Article ID 126060, 8 pages

Master thesis

  • Belastungen im Rettungsdienst und Möglichkeiten der Reduzierung durch das Betriebliche Gesundheitsmanagement – Eine empirische Studie
    DOI: 10.36209/2021.2024E1.25


  • Belastungsfaktoren im deutschen Rettungsdienst – Ein Systematic Review
    Simon Hübenthal, Alexander Pachanov; Catharina Muente; Dawid Pieper
    Open Science Framework
    DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/JDFV3
  • Telemedizin in der Notfallmedizin – Interprofessionelle Zusammenarbeit
    Simon Hübenthal, Tobias Schröder, Andreas Estermeier
    Open Science Framework
    DOI: 10.17605/OSF.IO/P4SMK


  • Sicherheitsaspekte invasiver thorakaler Maßnahmen in der prähospitalen Notfallmedizin – ZEFQ-D-22-00085

Research focus and interests

  • Rescue service – retention management, stress and strain on rescue service employees

Photo: private

Joint faculty
The University of Potsdam, the Brandenburg Medical School Theodor Fontane and the Brandenburg Technical University Cottbus-Senftenberg